Natural Stone
Retaining Walls
Retaining Walls
Natural Stone General Information:
Natural Stone General Information:
Natural Stone products sold by weight unless otherwise specified.
Natural Stone products sold by weight unless otherwise specified.
To estimate the weight of natural stone products, please use the following format:
To estimate the weight of natural stone products, please use the following format:
Length in feet x Width in feet x Height in feet x 160 (density factor) = approximate weight
Length in feet x Width in feet x Height in feet x 160 (density factor) = approximate weight
Ex. 2 foot length x 1 foot width x 1.5 foot height (18") = 3 cubic feet x 160 lbs/cubic foot = approx. 480 lbs
Ex. 2 foot length x 1 foot width x 1.5 foot height (18") = 3 cubic feet x 160 lbs/cubic foot = approx. 480 lbs
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